Passionate Services

Welcome to Basic Canine Training

Your Trusted Partner in Canine Care!


Established over 5 years ago, Basic Canine Training has been dedicated to providing the best canine care services to dog owners all over JHB, PTA, and CPT, including our overseas an online clients.

We are proud to specialise in a range of services that cater to your furry friend's unique needs, ensuring they lead happy, healthy and balanced lives. As dog enthusiasts ourselves, our passion for dogs drives us to deliver exceptional care, compassion, and positive training methods to every dog we encounter.


Our Training is Focused on Home-Based Training! We understand that every dog is different, and some may feel more comfortable learning in their familiar environment, this is always where they are situated majority of the time and therefore need to understand how to live and follow rules and boundaries in our homes.

Our head and most experienced trainer, Bianca Abigail will visit your home to offer personalised training sessions that address your dog's specific behavioural challenges. Whether it's basic obedience, manners, or addressing specific issues, we've got you covered.


Our additional Courses include Puppy Training and Socialising. The early days of a puppy's life are crucial for shaping their behaviour and temperament. Our specialised puppy training programs focus on positive reinforcement techniques to build a strong foundation for a well-mannered and confident companion.

Additionally, our socialisation sessions help your pup learn to interact with other dogs and people in a safe and controlled environment.


We encourage our Anti-Pull Walks as apart of your canines monthly activities: Walks should be enjoyable for both you and your dog. If your furry friend has a habit of pulling on the leash, it can make outings less pleasant.

Our skilled trainers will teach your dog to walk politely on a leash, using gentle methods that emphasise positive reinforcement and calm behavioural rewarding. Most of our clients have kept our walkers on permanently as they understand how beneficial it is for their dog/s.


A well-groomed dog is a happy and healthy dog. Our full-service grooming package includes bathing, brushing, nail trimming, ear cleaning, shaving, and more.

We take extra care to ensure that grooming sessions are stress-free and enjoyable for your pet. It helps when your dog knows their groomer and gets groomed regularly.


At Basic Canine Training, we firmly believe in the power of positive training methods, as well as negative consequences. For example, if your dogs jumps, we ignore (negative) them until the are calm, and then reward them as they wait patiently (positive) for attention.

We shun the use of harsh or punitive techniques, as they can lead to fear, anxiety, and distrust in dogs. Instead, we rely on positive reinforcement, rewarding good behaviour to encourage learning and foster a strong bond between you and your pet. Our trainers are experienced and skilled in utilising positive techniques that are effective, humane, and kind.

Our Love for Dogs is the driving force behind our entire business, dogs are not just animals to us; they are family members, friends, and loyal companions.

We cherish the opportunity to work with dogs every day and are committed to providing them with the best care possible, while understanding their natural and breeding needs and providing for them.

Thank you for considering Basic Canine Training for all your canine’s needs. We look forward to meeting you and your furry friend and helping you create a strong, loving bond that will last a lifetime.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation or to learn more about our services.
